John Freiderick Japp (1836-1916)

Japp Family Genealogy

Fritz William Japp (1907-1984)

A past search on the website of Ellis Island shows that from the time they started keeping records in 1892, a total of 96 people with the last name of Japp arrived in America through Ellis Island. My ancestor arrived before that, so I'm sure that several others also arrived before 1892. I'll be happy to start a new line of ancestors, just send in your Japp genealogy information.

More branches of Japp families can be added to this site. Simply email in your Japp genealogy information starting with the oldest known Japp ancestor and their dates of birth, death, marriage, and location. I have seen Japp families listed on the internet in the USA, Britian, Germany, Canada, Scotland, and Australia.

The data on this page is a "work in progress" and will constantly be modified, added to, and improved as more information is discovered and provided.

Descendants of John Freiderick Japp [Holstein, Germany 1836-Nebraska, USA 1916]
Descendants of Walter Japp [Scotland 1703-?]
Descendants of John Fredric Japp [Hamberg, Germany 1863-Minnesota, USA]
Japp Family Heroes of World War 2
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Last modified on October 28th, 2017. This site first created on March 2nd, 2001, for the purpose of Japp Family Genealogy.

This site was copied to a new domain,, on November 19, 2005! The move to this domain was permanent after FEBRUARY 1ST, 2006!


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